
As a college student, the developer, Martin Hebel, designed a serial UART board with ADC for data acquisition and PC based software for data monitoring – a very simple DAQ. It was named the SELMA – Serial Experiment in Logic Manipulation and Acquisition (Ok, he was a big fan of the Simpsons at that time).

MakerPlot-J was started when the Covid Lockdowns began as a total rewrite to the MakerPlot software package that had existed in various forms for 20 years without significant changes since 2012 or so.

Beyond this software and its predecessors, the developer also wrote StampPlot Lite for the Process Control text from Parallax, Inc. which he co-wrote for the BASIC Stamp. He also developed the PLX-DAQ Serial Excel data acquisition software, including Parallax’s Release 2 of the software.

He has written educational books beyond Process Control, including a text on XBee RF Modems, co-wrote a text on renewable energy, and chapters in other texts on programming devices and uses.

While software DAQ development has been a long-time hobby and at times a for-profit venture, the developer’s real job is teaching technical education at a university in the areas of electronics, RF communications, PLCs/HMIs, programming, networking and avionics.

We thank all the users of our software and devices over the years and with financial support we will continue to improve the current software. We hope you find it useful.

SelmaWare Solutions, LLC is located in Makanda, Illinois, USA.